// Guidelines to run OnlineCall // Compile OnlineCall.c using the following command: gcc OnlineCall.c -o OnlineCall -L/usr/lib -llapack -lblas -I/usr/include/atlas Notes: You must have LAPACK and BLAS in /usr/lib and ATLAS in /usr/include. Change the paths to these if necessary. Running OnlineCall Use the command : ./OnlineCall source_file1 destination_file1 source_file2 destination_file2 .... eg. ./OnlineCall /home/local/altair/phix174_76cycle/s_4_0080_int.txt /home/local/altair/OnlineCall/s_4_0080.fastq source_file1 must be an Illumina intensity .txt file. Make sure the path is specified. destination file1 is the output .fastq for source_file1.