OIL: An Optical Interconnect Library for
CAD and On-chip Opto-Electrical Interconnect Planning

Authors: Duo Ding and Prof. David Z. Pan

Thermal Effects


OIL is an Optical Interconnect Library with nanophotonics devices and interconnect models characterized/parameterized   for systematic and quantitative design explorations (architectural and physical designs) utilizing on-chip nanophotonic links.   As an extensible library, current OIL includes on-chip optical modulators, photodetectors, buffers, switches, couplers,   optical waveguide model and some on-chip WDM devices. Based on recent advancement in nano-photonics fabrication technique,   OIL contributes to a closer collaboration between device fabrication, architecture design and CAD optimization towards feasible giga-scale opto-electronics on-chip integration.


NOTE: The current version is OIL1.0

Detailed list of current OIL characterized devices (parameter model(PM)/RSoft format model(RM)/FDTD simulation data(FDTD)):

Device Models
Nanophotonics Modulators Nanophotonics Photo-detectors Couplers/Switches WDM devices and OWG Reference
OIL_001mod_MzM1 PM_001RM_001FDTD_001 X. Chen, OE2009
OIL_002mod_MzM2 PM_002RM_002FDTD_002 Y. Jiang, APL2005
OIL_003mod_MzM3 PM_003RM_003FDTD_003 L. Gu, IEEE08
OIL_004mod_MzM4 PM_004RM_004FDTD_004 W.M.J Green OSA07
OIL_005mod_Ring1 PM_005RM_005FDTD_005 L. Martinez, OSA06
OIL_006mod_Ring2 PM_006RM_006FDTD_006 Q. Xu, OE07
OIL_007mod_Ring3 PM_007RM_007FDTD_007 F. Xia, Nature07
OIL_008mod_Ring4 PM_008RM_008FDTD_008 S. Manipatruni, OE10
OIL_009detector1 PM_009-- M. Oehme, APL06
OIL_010detector2 PM_010-- T. Yin OSA07
OIL_011detector3 PM_011-- O. G. Memis OSA08
OIL_012detector4 PM_012-- L. Chen OE08
OIL_013detector5 PM_013-- P.Dong, OE09
OIL_014detector6 PM_014-- L. Chen, OE09
OIL_015detector7 PM_015-- S. Assefa, Nature10
OIL_016coupler1 PM_016RM_016FDTD_016 RSoft Simulator
OIL_017coupler2 PM_017RM_017FDTD_017 RSoft Simulator
OIL_018switch1 PM_018RM_018FDTD_018 RSoft Simulator
OIL_019switch2 ___ RSoft Simulator
OIL_020AWG_4X PM_020RM_020FDTD_020 RSoft Simulator
OIL_021AWG_8X PM_021RM_021FDTD_021 RSoft Simulator
OIL_022AWG_16X PM_022RM_022FDTD_022 P. Dumon OSA06
OIL_023WDM_16X PM_023RM_023FDTD_023 RSoft Simulator
OIL_024WDM_32X PM_024RM_024FDTD_024 RSoft Simulator
OIL_025OWG-straight PM_025RM_025FDTD_025 RSoft Simulator
OIL_026OWG-bend PM_026RM_026FDTD_026 RSoft Simulator

Cu interconnect delay modelings and SPICE simulations assume 22nm technology global (metal5/6) Cu interconnect.
MOSFET models employed for optimal repeater insertion and sizing are: PTM_22nm_PMOS and PTM_22nm_NMOS

Thermal Effects  


Current on-chip WDM techniques mainly fall into the following categories: AWG (array waveguide) based, ring resonator based and thin film filter based, among which ring resonator cavity based add-drop filter techniques are most widely employed in architecture designs due to its compact footprint (potential ultra density) and demonstrated high quality factor (Q factor). In OIL, we characterize and model on-chip nanophotonics WDM devices enabled by cavity based structure, with respect to power, loss, channel density, working bandwidth and thermal reliability.
Every type of nanophotonic devices is prone to thermal variation with a certain degree, especially ring resonator based structures that are widely employed in currently demonstrated works. Specifically, on-chip temperature fluctuation causes the central operating frequency (wavelength) of a photonic device to drift. If such a drift results in an off-set that falls outside the range of operating bandwidth (BW), the device will degrade or even malfunction. Especially for high energy efficiency on-chip UDWDM devices with ring resonator structure, the quality factor Q (defined as the energy stored in the cavity versus the energy dissipated per unit cycle) is very high and BW is very narrow, rendering the devices highly sensitive to ambience thermal variations. The relationships between thermal reliability, device operating bandwidth, quality factor Q and energy efficiency are illustrated in the figure above.

In the equations above, r1, r2, a, L are ring geometry related parameters, lambda is the central working(resonant) wavelength of the ring modulator or detector. n_e is a temperature dependent term, denoting the refractive index of the ring material (e.g., silicon). From the above discussions we can observe that within a relatively small range, one can trade-off Q value for thermal reliability of a certain ring resonator device, without causing aliasing issues in-between of separate channels on a WDM waveguide. However, such a trade-off comes at a power loss penalty that needs to be minimized for power efficient designs.
Based on the comprehensive modeling, we investigate and establish the thermal reliability models for WDM related devices that are mainly based on cavity based components (e.g., ring resonators and ring couplers). The thermal reliability models are obtained through exhaustive temperature dependent refractive index modeling/simulation, working bandwidth characterization, power consumption/dissipation simulation and numerical methods such as Finite-difference Time-domain (FDTD) device simulations on powerful computing platforms using RSoft CAD Simulator.

Basics and Formats

+ Syntax, Short-hand terms and acronyms used in OIL:
  1. layer definition sections (geometries of each device):................................"LAYER# .... END LAYER#"
    parameter summary section (performance and timing data):..................."TOP .... END TOP"

  2. DR : data (modulation/transmission/detection) rate in...............................'Giga bits per second'
    BER: bit error rate (modulation/transmission/detection) in...............................'probability of occurrence'
    BL : total bending loss of certain (e.g. ring resonator, Waveguide Coupler, etc.) structure in......'dB'
    BR : bending radius of certain (e.g. ring resonator) structure
    BW : signal bandwidth in......................................................................'Giga Hz'
    3dBBW : 3dB signal bandwidth in......................................................................'Giga Hz'
    CIN: input port equivalent capacitance in....................................................'pF'
    CG : coupling gap between two optical channels (e.g., when ring resonator couples with OWG)
    CL : coupling loss between two optical channels (e.g., when ring resonator couples with OWG)
    Tau: signal delay on certain device in.........................................................'ps'
    EbC: electrical power consumption per bit (dynamic power) in..............................................'pico-J per bit'
    EC : electrical power consumption (DC + dynamic power) in...........................................................'mW'
    ER : extinction ratio between optical "1" and "0" in......................................'dB'
    OCL: on-chip optical loss in (dB = -10*log{10}{Pow_out/Pow_in})............'dB'
    WW : working wavelength 'lamda' in............................................................'nm'
    dWW: delta working wavelength (3dB stability range of WW) in..................'nm'
    MAT: materials used for certain layer# (Si, Ge, GaAs, etc.)
    LEN: length of a certain geometry in..........................................................'um' (micron)
    WID: width of a certain geometry in............................................................'um' (micron)
    THI: thickness of a certain geometry in......................................................'um' (micron)
    IND: refractive index of a certain geometry/layer
    PCR: radius of the photonic crystal structure (hole shaped structures)
    PCI: refractive index of the photonic crystal structure (hole shaped structures)
    PL: passing loss of certain coupling devices in the unit of..................'dB'
    VB: DC bias employed of certain active device (MzM mod or Ring mod, etc.)

  3. OWG: on-chip optical waveguide
    OIL: nanophotonics Optical Interconnect Library
    MzM: Mach-Zehnder structure
    PM: Parameter Model of a certain device characterized in OIL syntax/key words
    RM: RSoft Model of a certain device characterized in RSoft-CAD suite syntax/key words
    Ring: Ring cavity based structure
    FDTD: Finite-difference Time-domain technique
    FDTD data: Device simulation data using RSoft FDTD CAD environment
    WDM: Wavelength Division Multiplexing technique
    CMOS: Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
    NoC: Networks-on-Chips
    m sec: 1e-3 sec
    u sec: 1e-6 sec
    n sec: 1e-9 sec
    p sec: 1e-12 sec
+ To be further updated soon!

Related Publications


Duo Ding, Bei Yu and David Z. Pan,
"GLOW: A Global Router for Low-Power Thermal-reliable Interconnect Synthesis using Photonic Wavelength Multiplexing",
IEEE (Intl.) Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC),
Jan., 2012 (IEEE source)


Duo Ding and David Z. Pan,
"OIL: A Nanophotonic Optical Interconnect Library for a New Photonic Networks-on-Chip Architecture",
International Workshop on System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP)
, California, July 2009 (ACM source)


Duo Ding, Yilin Zhang, Haiyu Huang, Ray T. Chen and David Z. Pan,
"O-Router: An Optical Routing Framework for Low Power On-Chip Silicon Nano-Photonic Integration",
Design Automation Conference (DAC)
2009 (IEEE source)

        +How to cite:
            If you like the contents of this webpage and would like to apply OIL and related models in your works,
            please free feel to cite our SLIP paper "OIL: A Nanophotonic Optical Interconnect Library for a New Photonic Networks-on-Chip Architecture"

Related Links

              Principles of Semiconductor Devices: http://ecee.colorado.edu/~bart/book/contents

              FILMETRICS: http://filmetrics.com

              General-purpose Semiconductor Simulator: GSS-TCAD

              BoxRouter: Prof. David Z. Pan: http://www.cerc.utexas.edu/utda/download/BoxRouter

              FGR: Prof. Igor Markov: http://vlsicad.eecs.umich.edu/BK/FGR/

              FLUTE: Prof. Chris Chu: http://home.eng.iastate/~cnchu/flute

              MaizeRouter: by Michael D. Moffitt: http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~mmoffitt/MaizeRouter

              NTHU-Route2.0: Prof. Ting-Chi Wang: http://www.cs.nthu.ed.utw/~tcwang/nthuroute

              CAPO: Prof. Igor Markov: http://vlsicad.eecs.umich.edu/BK/PDtools/Capo

              mPL6: Prof. Jason Cong: http://cadlab.cs.ucla.edu/cpmo/

              GLPK: http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/

              MOSEK http://www.mosek.com/

              STLPORT: http://sourceforge.net/projects/stlport

 Launched April 2010 by Duo Ding