Cell Timing Information

        1. si.inp generation
        2. MoveSiInp.pl
            a. TransientHspice.pl
            b. CapaFinder.pl
        3. Transient Analysis
        4. Entra-point Consideration
        5. HspiceAUTO.pl
            a. Spectre2Hspice.pl
            b. fallrisetable.pl
        6. librarylist.pl
        7. librarymaker.pl
        8. LibraryCompiler



Now we have the timing library file generatedlibrary.lib.  In order for PRIMETIME to do the timing analysis on designs that uses our cells, we need to compile the library into Synopsis internal database.  Type the following at prompt:

        lc_shell        (this brings you to the library compiler shell)
        read_lib generatedlibrary.lib   (this reads the library and compiles it)

After the output message output "1", which means compilation successful, do the following

        write_lib HT018 -format db -output HT018.db

If there is no error message and output a "1" then


This bring us back to the tcsh shell.  You can now find a new file HT018.db appear in your directory.  It contains all the timing information of our cells.  
